The Best Way for Dev and Ops to Collaborate

1 min.

November 9, 2017

The DevOps culture removes the barriers between departments, and especially among those most deeply involved in DevOps; that is, the operations teams and developers. Historically, there has been a culture of inefficiency and miscommunication between developers and operations teams. This is due to many reasons, but primarily is due to a lack of unified goals: Developers work to code a project as quickly as possible to hand it off to operations in order for them to release it. But with DevOps requirements for small teams comprised of diverse team members working together on a project, and because agile processes are so dependent on the integration of these teams and their tools, collaboration in DevOps enterprises are automatically improved. These single teams break down silos by bringing together employees of diverse skill levels and backgrounds to help inspire more mutual trust and respect.
Amit Ashbel
Director of Product Marketing & Cyber Security Evangelist, Checkmarx

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