Guest View: Cybersecurity education isn’t a game. Or is it?

1 min.

February 28, 2017

Security, specifically application security, has become a huge challenge for IT companies worldwide. Actually, most companies in any vertical nowadays have some sort of IT platform they maintain. An increasing number of exploits, causing widespread financial and technical damage, are being reported on an almost daily basis. Yet the biggest vulnerability you have is sitting right under your nose (or next to you). Sixty-six percent of respondents to a recent study from the Ponemon Institute cited employees as the biggest security threat to their company.
As a leader, the best place to start looking for employee vulnerabilities is within your own team. If you look around, you might realize that some of the key IT players and developers are uneducated and sometimes even unaware of security in their code. There’s a big gap between app developers’ coding abilities and their security literacy.
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