Web Security Tools that Take the Pressure Off Web Designers

1 min.

September 25, 2014

Designers can take an idea and turn it into a masterpiece of user interactivity, and because of their competence in all things aesthetic and interface, they’re often asked to undergo tasks that, honestly, should not fall on their shoulders. Yet, they still trudge along in the noble effort to retain clients. One of the worst types of encounters they are faced with comes in the form of web security, which is about as close to web design as a beanie is to jogging shoes. Sure, they’ll get used by the same person, but their origins are wildly different.
In many cases, designers will reach out through channels like Craigslist to find one-off programmers and “security experts” but often end up short in terms of accountability or assurance. But, for those who want to come out of the task looking like an internet champion, there are some security tools available that will not only get the work completed, but they will help keep a website or web app safe for as long as required.


As a web security service, Checkmarx is one of those end-all, be-all products that will cover anything. Their tools not only cover everything from the OWASP top 10 and SANS list of known security breaches, but they have some killer services that a designer can use to significant effect. As far as these are concerned, the best comes in the form of software code analysis that checks web applications for vulnerabilities and can even deploy fixes for these security holes.
They go far beyond just that, though, and are a trusted enough resource that their clientele includes behemoths like the federal government and Deutsche Telekom (The company behind T-Mobile). Their ability to find system vulnerabilities as well as offering access to an abundance of tools to fix any issues make Checkmarx unbeatable in the realm of security.
Read the original article on TechSheer

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