Checkmarx and Specialist IT Consultancy Firm Ballintrae Team Up To Reduce Software Risks

1 min.

November 13, 2013

The companies will jointly work on Application Security.

(CBR) –November 14, 2013 – IT consultants Ballintrae and Checkmarx, an application security testing, have joined forces to reduce software risk.
With risk high on the boardroom agenda, it is hoped that the partnership will help financial services organisations minimise software risk when developing and upgrading internal and client-facing applications.
By working together Ballintrae and Checkmarx believe they can deliver secure applications avoiding glitches with new software applications or systems outages and failures which can cause inconvenience, huge financial losses and reputational damage.
Steve Street, director of innovation at Ballintrae, said: “With our industry knowledge and expertise, coupled with the highly innovative Checkmarx Suite, our clients will have confidence at boardroom level that risk has been substantially reduced.”
Rafi Bhonker, VP sales at Checkmarx, added: “We are looking forward to working with Ballintrae together to introduce innovative Application Security solutions to the UK and communicate the importance of integrating Source Code Analysis into the software development lifecycle.”

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