Pumpkin-Spiced Cybersecurity: October Is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

1 min.

September 27, 2017

Cyberattacks, including global ransomware attacks, massive data breaches, and distributed denial-of-service attacks have recently dominated the headlines, saturating consumers’ news intake with stories about cybersecurity threats. These repeated reminders of the cybersecurity boogie man, ways to protect personally identifiable information, and advertisements for products to fight hackers, can lead to security fatigue, which in turn may lead to risky computing behavior.
“Companies need to realize that security fatigue is a real thing,” Matt Rose, global director of application security strategy at Checkmarx Ltd. in Charlotte, N.C. told Bloomberg BNA Sept. 27. “Things like text verification, captcha, finger print recognition, and strong passwords may actually introduce more of a security risk as the company now has more data points on a customer in order to verify they are who they are,” he said.
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