Security Threats Ready to Attack Your Business

1 min.

August 17, 2016

If your application was a bird, what would it be? An eagle soaring above the competition and proactively avoiding threats, or an ostrich with its head buried in the sand and oblivious to any potential attacks? When it comes to security, most applications are akin to the ostrich. Despite application security impacting an organization’s brand perception and even its bottom line, many businesses do not test their applications for security, instead relying on basic internal checks and only resolving vulnerabilities if they become a problem.
This reactive approach can have a disastrous effect when a vulnerability in your application is exploited by a malicious third party. Repercussions such as reputational damage, data breaches, loss of customer confidence, excessive downtime and potentially expensive remediation and legal costs could permanently clip your organization’s wings.
Despite such catastrophic consequences, application security is often not at the forefront of many organizations’ minds. According to application security solution provider Checkmarx, organizations should shift their focus from securing network parameters to protecting the application level. It identified five of the most common and serious application security threats your business must watch out for.
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