The OSI model, your security, and giving special consideration to the application layer

1 min.

June 2, 2016

There’s a certain poignant disappointment that occurs when your expectations do not align with reality. Especially when your expectations are both reasonable and logical. Take the topic of securing an application based on the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, for instance.

The OSI model is a way of thinking about computer networking that efficiently and effectively lays out the seven layers of computer networking, showing how they are neatly connected, each layer making use of the functions of the layer both above and below it. “Perfect,” you think. “If these seven layers are so tidily intertwined, surely there must be one security solution that takes care of them all.”

As security organization Checkmarx points out, for effective application layer security, static code analysis is a security solution that can be seamlessly integrated into the developer environment. It makes application layer security a component of the daily development schedule, allowing developers to receive nearly real-time scan results and fix vulnerabilities (as well as coding problems and other issues) as the application is being developed. Not only does this help create a secure software development life cycle, but it also saves untold time and effort by identifying problems as they appear instead of after a build is complete.
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