By the numbers: Cyber attack costs compared

1 min.

May 24, 2016

Data breaches caused by malicious insiders and malicious code can take as long 50 days or more to fix, according to Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study. While malware, viruses, worms, trojans, and botnets take only an estimated 2-5 days to fix.
Unsurprisingly, attacks by malicious insiders are also the costliest to fix ($145,000 according to the Ponemon study), followed by denial of service ($127,000) and Web-based attacks ($96,000).
This infographic from application security software provider Checkmarx highlights these and other significant statistics about how much different types of cyber attacks are costing companies around the world.
See the infographic & continue reading at CSO Online.

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