Tools, skills and budgets can help developers fight rise in Web app cyber attacks

1 min.

May 18, 2016

Checkmarx announced that three recent reports highlight the challenge faced by developers in securing code as attacks against web applications increase, while security budgets for developers remain low.
As highlighted by the influential Data Breach Investigation Report 2016, attacks against web applications have seen a dramatic rise in the last year. Attacks against every business sector rose significantly with financial particularly hard hit with a 51% increase in the number of reported incidents. The report also suggests that Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE’s) are not being addressed quickly enough by developers with the top 10 vulnerabilities accounting for 85% of successful exploited traffic.
“Developers are gravitating towards JavaScript, being asked to create more applications by using faster development cycles. Meanwhile, the number of attacks against them grows and information security budgets have remained largely static,” says Amit Ashbel, Cyber Security Evangelist and Director of Product Marketing for Checkmarx, “This is an unenviable position for developers and a situation that needs to be looked at more carefully by budget holders if they want to stop the problem from getting worse.”
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