Real Security

  • icon tag Channel | Authorized | Reseller
  • icon Croatia, icon Serbia, icon Slovenia
Partner background

REAL security d.o.o. is acclaimed as the biggest and fastest-growing »TRUE value-added distributor« across the Adriatic with a presence in 8 countries including Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia. With its strong Security portfolio, REAL security is recognized as a »Trusted Security Distributor« to over 1500 enterprises, financial institutions and government customers that use at least one of REAL security’s market-leading technologies, sold through its strong channel network of over 300 local partners and advisers. It is focused on the needs of business users in demand of comprehensive, reliable and proven solutions. REAL security experts provide quality consultancy, design and assist partners to identify key risks and define priorities for addressing IT Security gaps relating to compliance and next-generation threat protection. For more information, please visit: