
SVN Static Code Analysis

Subversion (SVN) is designed to help software developers on collaborative development projects manage their source code. It tracks each commit and the changes within the code so that it’s easy to review the code and ensure that it’s in line with the expectation of the development team. However it doesn’t have built-in support for SVN Static Code Analysis, and developers looking to optimize the security level of the code they deliver will need to look elsewhere to find this functionality.

Leading Static Code Analysis (SCA) providers offer this functionality out of the box, and it’s very simple to integrate the two solutions to seamlessly work together. This is a huge boon to developers and application security professionals who understand how essential static code analysis is and want an easy way to retrieve uncompiled pieces of source code and test them for security vulnerabilities.

Once the scanner is in place, the developer or security auditor can quickly develop customized reports that allow them to identify problems with any particular development cycle. They can flag vulnerabilities and code failures automatically and quickly see whether there are any significant trends either within the code or from a particular coder. That means they can devote their resources to ensuring that each release is more stable than the last.

It’s easy to use SVN Static Code Analysis to generate more in depth reports that identify exactly where in the code a particular problem lies. This cuts down on tracking down problems and frees up resources to fix problems instead. It saves money, time and effort throughout the process and in turn produces stronger and more robust code that when released will give your customers more confidence in the software.