
JavaScript Static Code Analysis

During the development lifecycle, it’s easy for security vulnerabilities to creep into your code. The best way to head this off at the pass and ensure that security remains a priority during the development life cycle is to use static code analysis. For JavaScript static code analysis there are a few options on the market that can be deployed to assist in secure code development.

If you review these options you might come to the conclusion that while the work they do is invaluable – they don’t produce the most useful data. Anyone who has managed a software development team will know that it can be a struggle to get testing accepted because developers often feel that the data they receive from testing doesn’t help them fix problems. This leads to testing becoming neglected and to big problems being identified in pre-release testing – and when those issues are identified they take a lot more effort to fix.

Tools like Checkmarx are the perfect fit for JavaScript static code analysis. By taking all the relevant information about both the code itself and the results of the testing and placing it in a database – Checkmarx enables simple customization of the scanning rules to deliver the exact reports you need. Whether your current focus is on adhering to a specific security standard, compliance with PCI DSS, or enforcement of best coding practices, the relevant preset can be applied to your code and a report presenting the findings can be created with the information you need. Providing the development team with exactly the right information they need in a timely manner, helps them focus on quickly resolving any issues that have crept in during the development lifecycle. This means that pre-release testing picks up fewer problems and these are easier to fix.