
GIT Static Code Analysis

GIT enables simultaneous revision of projects. It allows for multiple developers to work on the same fork or different forks of a code and then simultaneously return them all to the same branch when you need to deliver a change. There’s no version control in GIT environments but each member has access to commit changes and then merge code as cleanly as possible. Each developer owns the right to first-class revisions and the process is as democratic as can be permitted within a development environment. GIT Static Code Analysis is not something that is supported out of the box with GIT type repositories.

Leading Static Code Analysis providers are now offering organizations GIT integration. Hooking up a compatible static code scanner with your GIT environment (e.g. GitHub) is typically a 5 min process and makes real-time static code analysis a piece of cake. Developers can then concentrate their resources on developing new code – quickly testing the uncompiled code, identifying any flaws in the code and then fixing them without slowing down the development cycle. That means higher-quality releases and an improved democratic environment where each contribution may be judged on its own merits.

Once you have the static code scanner up and running for your GIT static code analysis. You can begin to develop reporting that identifies and highlights the number of vulnerabilities in each release. This can be monitored across a series of releases too to see if there’s an overall trend of improvement or issues arising. An HTML projection can be used to highlight the specific areas of code in which any vulnerability has been identified. This cuts down on wasted time during the test cycle – identifying where the flaw in the code is – and means that developers can concentrate on the fix and not on hunting for the issue.